Monday, July 18, 2011

Training with my Drill Sargent

In Steve's own words, some notes on his training and his Drill Sargent.

Just a brief update on my bike training. Larry has been a saint. He has coaxed me up the most hellasish hills and MOUNTAINS that I have ever seen. While I am hoping for one more breath, he is either singing, or talking on the f---ing phone.  naturally, he has to let me know what a beautiful day it is for a bike ride , and how we have passed the worst of the work out (NOT). Every once in a while, we find a part of the hill that goes down, ( FOR ABOUT 10 SECONDS ) , THEN we start back up again, and Larry, with his quiet assurance, says it is just another 100 meters . An hour later, we complete the 100 meters.

At one of our rest stops ( the only one) I mentioned that instead of being in the Army, ( a pussy organization), he should have been a Marine. he just looked at me and said, I was a Drill Instructor, Oh shit , I thought, no wonder he is trying to kill me. Anyway, you guys got off easy and I am paying to be forgiven  for any sin that I might have committed. If you should ever feel that you need some exercise, I can recommend someone to help you. One of the pieces of equipment I will be taking on the trip is a shovel. Not sure I can make to a town that does proper burials. 




  1. From Suzi Andrews: "I am on the phone checking out hospital beds for Aug. 1st."

  2. From Jim Evans: "Larry, You are my new hero. Please let us know of every trick you pull on him. Remember that he will only be happy when he is tired, hot & beat up. He will not need 3 meals a day. 3 or 4 hours of sleep is way too much for him. The more he snivels the more he the more enjoyment he has. Thanks for not telling him the truth about the length of the trip. Have fun."

  3. Larry's response to Jim:

    Well, Jimmie, as you know he can wine a bit…..actually more that a bit….. so I’m trying to learn when he really means it – whatever it is…. I would appreciate your help in interpreting his verbal and body language, as Suzi has made me responsible for his safety….that’s a lot of pressure on me….. And, you know, I want to stay on Suzi’s good side….


  4. And Suzi had a chance to add her 2 cents in as well:


    You are always on my good side! : )

    If you ever figure out his verbal and body language let me know. : )


  5. Hey-Ho Steverino,
    I hope you got my first comment... If you didn't, I'll have to resend it to you using this URL method of posting a comment. In it, I had a vast number of good ideas for you... well, maybe they were only half-vast.

    Have fun! Take a lot of pictures (evidence).
    Jim Gibson

  6. Hi Steve,
    I hope that waffle helped you on your first day's journey. I know some politicians that waffle and it doesn't help them.

    If you get tired along the way, I suggest you pull off to the side of the road and make a speech about how great Rotary is. Then when you return, update your resume to note that you once gave a speech that landed on 5,000 ears.

    Ride well!
